We had another fun and educational week in Computer Class. Students have been learning how to be good Digital Citizens, working on their typing and beginning to learn the how to use a word processing program. Unfortunately I was attending an all day technology training meeting at KRESA on Tuesday, and was unable to see my second and fourth graders. My fifth graders, however, doubled up with the third grade class on Thursday so they didn't miss their week.
First Grade: The first graders have been having a lot of fun learning how to use a word processing program. They are learning how to open and save documents, adjust fonts (type, color, size), format fonts (bold, italic, underline, shift key for capitals), and use the enter key and space bar. They are really enjoying exploring the various ways to make their writing look unique. We will continue with this lesson next week.
Second Grade: Last week we discussed the care of computers and proper hygiene in the computer lab. Next week we will be finishing up our presentation on computer care and computer parts.
Third Grade: We have begun our digital passport project. To check out the project, click here.
Fourth and Fifth Grade: Last week we discussed cell phone use and the hazards of multi-tasking. We also played a game called Twalkers and part of our digital passport project. This week the fifth grade started on the Sharejumper project about sharing information online. To check out the project, click her