Monday, November 18, 2013

Computer Class Update: Weeks 9 and 10

First quarter has come to a close and you should have received your child's report cards.  Every child has received credit this quarter for computer class.  I am very proud of the level of participation the students have shown thus far this school year.  I am looking forward to three more great quarters.

Now, on to the updates for our in class activities...

First Grade: In the last couple weeks, we finished up our lesson on word processing and began a unit on the 7 days of Creation.  For this unit, students watched a short video on the creation story, then we outlined what God created on each of the seven days.  Our next step was to begin creating pictures to illustrate each day using Tux paint.  This program helps the students to work on their hand-eye coordination and using the mouse.  Once they complete a picture, we insert it into a PowerPoint slide which they then label.  When they are finished, they will have an eight page book illustrating each of the 7 days of creation.  We have also begun to learn how to keyboard using the correct fingers.  We are using typing web for our practice and instruction.  Students are welcome to practice using this online program at home, as well as in class.

Second Grade: Last week our second graders also began to learn how to keyboard using the correct fingers.  We are using typing web for our practice and instruction.  Students are welcome to practice using this online program at home, as well as in class.  This coming week, we will be meeting on Thursday with the first graders and working on a new unit about Technology and how it has changed over time.

Third Grade, Fourth and Fifth Grade: We continue to work on our digital passport project. This week we learned about cyberbullying.  The students played a game called E-volve and worked on learning to be an upstander instead of a bystander.  Please feel free to ask them to tell you the difference between the two.  The next time I see the students, we will begin our lessons on Searching the web.  Students will learn how to choose effective keywords for searching online. They will practice selecting keywords that are most relevant to a search prompt. Along the way, students will discover hints for narrowing their search results. To check out the project, click here.

NOTE: I will not be here Tuesday because I will be at a technology coaches training, so I will see my second, fourth and fifth graders on Thursday.

Have a great weekend!