Dear Parents,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Jessica Winstanley and I will once again be your child’s technology and computers teacher this school year. I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with the students at St. Michael’s again and help them to hone their technology skills. Depending on your child’s grade level, we will be learning many exciting new skills this year, including:
· How to identify the parts of the computer, how to care for it and do basic functions such as powering on, logging in, opening programs and shutting down.
· How to stay safe while using the computer, including Internet safety.
· How to find quality reference materials using the Internet.
· How to use basic programs like: Paint, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and many quality web-based programs.
· How to type effectively.
I am sure you are also curious to know a little bit about me. Here are some basics:
· Elementary-certified teacher
· Bachelor’s of Science in Education degree from Central Michigan University, majoring in science and language arts.
· Master’s of Science degree from Walden University specializing in integrating technology in the classroom.
· Taught third grade at Amberly Elementary in Portage for nine years.
· Now the technology integration specialist for Portage. I spend most of my days coaching and supporting teachers as they work to integrate technology into their classrooms.
On a more personal note, I am married to an amazing man and we have three wonderful children. Bryant attended pre-school and pre-kindergarten at St. Michael’s and this year our older daughter, Clara, is in the pre-kindergarten program. We have always been very impressed with the quality of education our children received at St. Michael’s and I enjoy being a part of that.
I feel very blessed to have this wonderful opportunity, and I look forward to working with your children this school year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at:
Communication is very important to me. I will be posting helpful information on our class blog: If you would like to be included in my email distribution list so you can receive updates on what we are working on in computer class, please email me from your preferred email stating your child’s name and grade, along with your name. Thanks!
May God’s blessings be upon you,
Jessica Winstanley
“Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.” [Proverbs 22:6]